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Urban Decay Photography

Urban Decay is fascinating to me, just how a once populated area like a theatre can then become a mess of peeling wallpaper and fallen structures, simply left empty to decay in the shadows. Besides that, decaying buildings can be a fantastic hotspot for photography, with deserted hallways and the sun creeping in through broken windows there is plenty to snap away at!

the old winery

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Minimalist Photography

Minimalist Photography is basic in design, but can be very powerful with the right framing as well as all the attention and focus on the subject. So, less is sometimes more!

She Moved To California

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Lighthouse Photography

Lighthouses can be great to photograph at night with a long exposure picking up on the beam of light shooting out! As well as the looks outside, you can find that the spiral staircase up to the Lighthouse bulb is very photogenic! When approaching closer to the base of the Lighthouse it will be noticeable distorted when photographing with a wide angle lens, but this can create interesting effects with the perspective!

If you’d like to discover more – simply click on any photograph below for more inspiration!

Whiteford Point Lighthouse #5

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Brilliant Bokeh Photography

Bokeh photography is all about depth of field and creating individual blurred circles (or various shapes) with a small F number. Bokeh is a Japanese word meaning ‘Blur’, but photography has adapted this meaning to be the aesthetic quality of blurred points of light. The most effective light sources for creating Bokeh is Fairy Lights or candles, basically any small light source. Bokeh can enhance a plain blurred background in a photo, while being a key feature to the overall picture, and it can be fun to experiment with the different shapes and colours!

HBW: Yuki-chan and the Bokeh

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Train Station Photography

Train Stations can be buzzing with photo opportunities and offer the chance to try out your long exposure skills! Especially in the underground or subway where there is low light and trains are coming every few minutes, this gives you the chance to setup a shot of the train passing by in a blurred motion, while keeping the surroundings still. Along with all the commuters busily rushing for their trains, this can create another motion blur chance, if possibly, get to a high point on a separate level and look down at an object – clock, sign – and the people, then try a slow shutter speed.

the tube

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